Valentine's day in 5 days BUT I am ready and done with my well aged Valentine's table runners. That feels good to finish ahead of time.
I will go out of chronological order to show you what I have been working on and what I have accomplished. This first one is a Kinderbell runner that has been in my life for a long time. It lived in my Arizona house since 2017 and never got made so, it came home with me last year and finally, it is crossed off the list of 'want to make' projects.
Shabby Fabrics, "A Year in Words - February" that has been around since 2016 and is now being worked on
Lots of tracing and applique but, one day at a time.
You have to make a mess when you are being creative and all my Valentine themed fabric is on the table.
This is Starlight from a Missouri Star Advent box 2023 (not so old!!) and I had the blocks made before Christmas but wasn't sure whether to keep them as individual blocks/table toppers, or, a runner. I have to give thanks to the Facebook Advent box group who showed me their finished projects which inspired me to get this done.
Not much in my container for decorating which is fine with me. Less to put out on display is less to tidy and put away later.

All three are finished and now in various locations around the house. So nice to cross these off the UFO list!
January's Running Doe sew Along was a pattern called Amelia and it made large blocks! Two fat quarters were needed per block and I pulled out a lot of my reds and a variety of lighter ones to use, thinking it would make a nice Quilt of Valour.
In the meantime, I had a large number of preemie and children's quilts to get layered with backing and batting and put on the sewing desk for quilting. What a mess... I pulled out all my flannelette and pieces of poly batting (preferred for light weight, easily laundered small quilts) and started piecing the battings and cutting the backings. Disaster zone for a couple of days.
Eventually, they all got prepped for the next step and were laid to wait patiently on the table.
In the meantime, the traditional guild I belong to, handed out some row by rows that had been donated, to each of us in December. I offered to take any of the rows that spoke "Canadian" and this is the one I made. This one was from a Campbell River quilt shop on Vancouver Island and it would be perfect for a QOV. Hopefully, I will be able to gather up a few more from guild members and make a great Quilt of Valour.
There has been lots of interruptions to my daily routine. My husband had radiation for the month of January and part of February so my afternoons were spent driving to and from the cancer clinic. One more surgery was done as well where he had day surgery for stents.
When I made the Amelia quilt, her method was to add a squares and stitch down the center to create the flying geese or half square triangles on each block. I added a second row of stitching to create another set of half square triangles and decided to make some Sawtooth stars for the beginning of another quilt. I also had hst's left from a quilt last fall - browns and reds and wanted to use those.
So, that started me off beginning my next quilt. These are 12" blocks so needed 30 to get a 5 x 6 quilt.
In the meantime, however, I worked on quilting the baby/preemie quilts that were ready and waiting and here they all are! Finished and labelled and ready for deliver to the local NICU and Ronald MacDonald house. Thirteen of them!. These were all started and worked on during our modern guild Saturday sew-ins. Those have come to a screeching halt due to the exorbitant hall rental fee for 2025. I decided to just get them all finished and this took me almost two weeks from layering, then quilting, and finally binding.
While I was at a guild meeting, a lovely gentleman, no names mentioned, handed me a plastic bag of fabric, asking for blue stars. Since I was in the midst of making my red stars, I kept the same Sawtooth star happening and stitched up a couple of different options for a quilt that was being made.

I wanted to get back to my regular routine/regime that I began last year with quilting the last week of the month. So, I loaded up my home quilting system with the three different quilts that were waiting. Amelia got finished.
The quilt made from the leftover half square triangles got finished as well and is now ready for donation.
This quilt top had been turned into me and it wasn't quite large enough so I added the green border to make it a little longer and wider and now it is also quilted and ready for donation.
Heartstrings - a group that I belong to, chose strips for the January challenge. I dug out a couple of bins of odds and ends 2.5" strips and started stitching. I kept at it for almost a week and now have 110 blocks and they are 10". I will make the quilt tops 6 x7 which means 42 blocks per quilt so have enough for two with 26 blocks leftover. However, there are still loads of strips but none are full width of fabric so will be a little extra work to piece them together to get 10" blocks. Making two quilt tops is next on my list. I forget what this month is but I think squares? I will have to check and figure out what to make to use up stash fabrics.
A lovely gift for me from Barbara. She was ill in December and missed our guild meeting where we exchanged gifts so she gave this to me. I have something for her, but she will have to wait until I see her in March.
Our weather has been strange for January and into February. We are dry! Gorgeous sunsets, cold weather, below freezing (unusual for us) but we need rain and we know it is on the way, eventually. But, so nice to wake up to sunshine in the mornings.
This beautiful quilt was made by Connie and quilted by Joanne and is a Quilt of Valour made for a retired Canadian Armed forces veteran who served 34 years and his wife wanted this special quilt made for him. She provided the pattern and fabric and my two good guild friends donated their time and talent to make it happen.
Yippee... last day of radiation! Now the healing of skin begins and hopefully, his hand is cancer free.
The Quilting Dove pattern for February is Lantern and I already had the pattern in my Villa Rosa box and now need to figure out which fabrics to use. I am thinking of batiks? I have seen some great variations that other members of the group have completed so, lots of inspiration.
Friday was the Canadian Quilt of Valour sew day and this is the block pattern, called Zig Zag and designed for us by Lisa Compton and is free on the Quilts of Valour website. I made the blocks while sewing during the Zoom time and then dug through my bin of Canadian themed fabric and cut some 12.5" blocks to use with the alternating zig zag blocks. This is now ready and waiting for the last week of February... quilting week!
One of the fabrics I used was one I loved and is very old. Many years ago, when this fabric appeared in our local shops, I bought two bolts of it! And this is the last of what remained.
So, now, I am back on my quilting schedule which makes me happy. I have cut and am working on some bright star blocks which are being given to friends of a dear guild member and long time fabric store owner who died suddenly in December when a tree fell on her, in her driveway, during a wind storm. Very sad but her friends are determined to make quilts for her favourite charity and have asked us to make blocks for them to assemble. So far, this is what I have and I will continue to make them as leaders and enders for my current sewing projects.
Yesterday, I was able to wrap the finished Quilt of Valour around the shoulders of the recipient of this quilt. It is always a great feeling to let a veteran know that we appreciate the efforts of the Canadian Armed forces to defend and protect our country and to be involved in Peace Keeping around the world.
Now, what is next?
I have decided that I am not going to make the rainbow scraps challenge each month, but, instead, work on stitching together all the blocks from the past two years. They are patiently sitting and waiting for me to put them together into quilt tops.
- Heartstring strip blocks from January to be assembled
- Heartstring blocks for February (when I find out what it is?)
- Stashbuster blocks for 2025 (which I may make in various colours )
- Lantern quilt top from Running Doe quilt of the month
I know there are many other projects on my lists but, listing less is better and not as overwhelming. There are lots of appointments for my husband in the next couple of weeks and I am hoping to play indoor tennis twice a week but, my afternoons are free until it is time to be outside dealing with raccoon damage and tidying up gardens after winter is past and spring is arriving.