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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Ignoring my new 'age' and trying hard to stay younger!

 For some reason, this is the first time I remember feeling "my age" and for sure, am slowing down and not nearly as productive as in past summers.  I am also tempted with doing a lot more reading than in past summers which is ok but not much to show for my time. 

The weather has been hot (for us) and constant heat is a bit annoying.  It is much harder to go outside and work in the garden or even sit outside to read.  However, last weekend, we had rain and a cooling off so this week has been so much nicer!We have had a few days without using the a/c which means the house is quieter with more fresh air enjoying open doors and windows. 

I settled into a good routine with the day of rain and decided to get all my leftover bindings out and start joining without much thought other than pink for girls and no pink or fuschia for boys. 

Once that task was completed, I went full steam ahead with binding of 14 preemie quilts and 1 youth quilt.  I did a few a day and worked as steadily as time allowed.  After 3 days, my quilts were bound. 

 Two of the quilts were kits from the guild that I picked up in June and they are now finished in time for the September meeting.  Ahead of schedule.

It was time to work on my Patterns by Jen blocks for July and the color was Purple.  As mentioned previously, I am making two blocks with the colours reversed which gives me 24 by the end of the year and 20 makes a good size quilt when sashings are added. 

Then my Rainbow scrap challenge using reds for July got made.  Strange how my container of red strips is still just as full?
And, my plus blocks got made using reds.  I realized that with a few more blocks, I would have enough for a quilt top.

I had a very good friend come for an overnight visit.  We are best of friends and have known each other for about 65 years.  She lives in California but we chat daily because we play online Scrabble at take at least one turn if not two per day and always add in some personal tidbits about our day, activities, family etc. 

It was perfect weather to sit outside with some wine and watermelon... actually wine for me and BC Apple Cider for her!  One of her favourite beverages that is Canadian and not available in the U.S. 

I worked on my Aunt Gracies and made two tops but 15 blocks extra!  So with another 5 blocks made, I will have a third top.  I cut the pieces, tidied up the fabric bins and set aside to work on at our next Modern Guild Saturday sew in. 

Then time for something completely different!  Our garage floor was looking awful and it was leaking into the basement below last winter so we decided it needed some TLC.  We ordered special paint for garage floors that are driven on.  Apparently the heat from your car tires when you park is tough on the paint which makes sense.  So, garage got emptied but thankfully, we had done a good clean up last fall and moved things out there that could be stored elsewhere, given away or trashed.  

We are quite pleased with ourselves... it looks really good even though it was a bit of work although my fitbit gave me credit for using the elliptical machine for two hours each day!  My husband was able to start off the painting and then it was too much for him so I finished and then did a second coat.  Now I have to be patient to wait 5 days before I can park my car inside. 
We are also happy that our local tennis courts are finally painted and have the next up and gate unlocked... ready for us to play there. 

My other accomplishment this month was to package up 12 finished quilts and mail to New Brunswick to the Quilts of Valour rep there for distribution.  Apparently, they are really lacking in donated quilts in the maritime provinces so doing my small part to help out.

I also packaged up all of quilt tops that were waiting to be quilted and bound (8)and mailed them them off to Newfoundland to a rep there and she will distribute them to long arm quilters for finishing which means I have only tops for Quilts for Survivors on hand to be quilted or mailed off without quilting - still trying to decide.  My hangers are quite empty!  

Quilts of Valour will be next on my list since there are none on hangers and the Heartstrings group chose 1 yard pieces as their precut for August so time to dig out my books making 3 yard quilts and kit some projects to work on over the next month.  

We are enjoying another day or two of cooler weather.... will only get to 80º this afternoon so I spent time this morning weeding in the garden.  Now, this afternoon, time to dig out fabric for the three yard quilts. 

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