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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Mid December and hoping we are near the end of the Pandemic.

 I am struggling to get things done and daily, I have lists and at the end of the day I wonder where my time went.  It is most likely my age?  Time does seem to fly by with little accomplished yet, my days are full and busy. 

We are now walking daily at 1pm if we aren't heading to the tennis courts.  So far, we have only missed one day and we have a good excuse for that!  My husband had Moh's surgery on the back of his hand.  It sounds simple but it wasn't.  All the tendons, nerves and blood vessels run through the back of your hand and so it was a delicate surgery that took time and of course, his hand is sore (and it is his right hand).  He also had to have a skin graft and for some reason, decided in the crook of his elbow would be perfect, on his LEFT arm.  So, poor guy has a lousy hand and an elbow that doesn't want to bend happily.  Plus, another iron infusion so he is feeling a little zapped out. 

I have finally got Christmas cards and gifts mailed out to my family and friends.  That took me far longer than I remember in the past but then, I usually do my local cards in October, before we head south and leave them for my neighbour to mail for me.  And do a second batch while in Arizona.  

Now, I have great plans to bake cookies and treats.  One day at a time.  I also have 2 Christmas quilts to get quilted and bound.  It wouldn't be much fun doing them in January although I would be a year ahead? 

Three quilts were finished for donation to the Sto:lo nation for their newborn babies. 

My Christmas cakes are made and soaking in brandy.  One more week and I will bring one out and cut it and do a taste test.

Our house is decorated and I set up my porcelain village for the first time in 14 years!

Three finished quilts that I quilted in November but got the binding done in December.  The first is a 3 yard quilt that is fabrics totally from my stash.  Well aged fabrics!
This Ohio star is a true UFO.  It was started about 4 years ago and the blocks were large and I wasn't sure how many blocks to make.  My friends convinced me to make enough so it was 9 blocks.  Done and ready to be donated.
This is my Twizzle quilt.  It was an exercise in working with half rectangles and I now know how to make them efficiently and to heck with all the various rulers I bought and tried.

A few things made for around the house.  I needed one more pillowcase, a little larger and a table topper for the kitchen table.  All of my Christmas placemats are in my 'other' house so made two sets for us to use this season. The pillowcase looks funny... but it is folded in half.

I had purchased a panel of Christmas masks and the adult ones are made.  There are a bunch of them for children but I don't know any to make masks for... any takers? Free to a good home.
I am not writing a formal December list of things to do.  I should so my brain can slow down but, one day at a time here and am enjoying my decorated home. 

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