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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Getting ready for quilting marathon week.

 My new routine is to spend the last week of the month quilting.  I quilted so many tops in April, it took me the first week of May to get them all bound.  The great news is that three bags of quilts were donated to the Abbotsford guild, the Fraser Valley Modern guild and Canada Stitches for Ronald MacDonald house.  I posted pictures of the finished quilts in my last post but these had the bindings done the next day.

This quilt top was given to me for Quilts of valour but, sadly, they didn't put their name on it (update... made by Dorothy in Chilliwack BC) and I don't remember who handed it to me. I quilted and bound it and it will be added to the Quilts of valour stack of quilts.
This top was sent to me by Susan G and I quilted and bound it and donated it to the Modern guild Community quilts program.
Alpha is a 3 yard quilt by Material girls and I started the blocks in Arizona, brought them back to Canada and found a small panel that worked well with the colours so added it in.  

Time Machine is a 3 yard pattern by Fabric Cafe and I had cut this as one of the many kits I bagged up last December while tidying and organizing my sewing space.  It is done and in the stack for Quilts of Valour.  

This is the first of many sixteen patch quilt tops that has been quilted and bound, ready for donation.  A great use of fat quarters that I don't know what to use them for.

Last year for the Rainbow scrap challenge, I made a lot of plus blocks.  I managed to get four quilts from all the blocks and this is the first of the group.   

My floral bin got opened and I cut 10" strips off most of the fabrics and then did the same with some green fabrics.  I decided to make a Kimberly block by GE Designs so this was the first test block.

Heartstrings challenge for May was to use to a ruler or other piece of equipment that was sitting alone and forgotten.  I dug out my tumbler ruler that fits on 10" squares and cut a bunch of this shape.   Below is the final quilt top, pressed and waiting to be hung up for quilting at the end of the month.
I made another take out but this time I mixed up all the blocks as the pattern showed to do.  I might like the one made with batiks last month better, where I matched the blocks?  But, lots of florals used in this so that is a good thing.
The finished Kimberley top now waiting for quilting and binding.
This is square dance which is a simple pattern made from ten inch squares.  Cutting two at a time, slice off 2 x 2.5" strips, then turn and cut a 5" square, cut two more 2.5" strips and swap out the center square. 
This is a pattern by GE Designs called strips and salsa.  It is now put together and I added borders to make it slightly larger and also waiting for quilting and binding.  
Running Doe makes patterns for Villa Rosa and they are having a sew along.  This is the pattern for May called Throwback.  I chose some reds and white/red prints and made the blocks.  This isn't my usual choice of pattern but good to try something out of my comfort zone.  I did add in borders that contain Canadian words and phrased to make the quilt large enough for a Quilt of Valour.  And again, waiting patiently for quilting and binding.
The Rainbow scrap challenge colour for May is pink.  I debated about making the blocks because pink doesn't work that well in many of the quilts I make but, my container of pinks was overflowing so decided to reduce the amount of scraps on hand.  First is the L block. 
My crossed stars plus the smaller pointed quarter stars. 
Love the garlic knots and made a few of those. 
I did the scrap piecing on paper as I usually do and that always helps to get rid of some scrappy strips.  My container is just barely below the top but better than it was. 
Patterns by Jen puts out a monthly block challenge as well as a colour and I make two blocks with lights and darks reversed.  May is done!

A picture of my strips and salsa with the borders added and you can see the beginnings of the throwback block on the wall.
May means Mother's Day and this is a lovely picture of our mum.  I remember the chair she is sitting in and the glass in her hand... and I think I might have been in grade two?  A true guess, I really don't know for sure.
And the three amigos... two sisters and a daughter/niece.  We celebrate Mother's day together and have a good catch up with the three of us never short of anything to converse about!
As I was heading to bed last evening, I noticed the moon.  We have been having some really rainy days here so, even though a day early, the full moon is almost happening because tonight, who knows if it will be clear skies with the moon shining? 
The last week of the month is quilting marathon time and as you can see by my pictures, lots of tops waiting their turn to be finished.

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