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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Binding week done and more blocks/projects on the go for August.

 The last week of July was "quilting" for seven days which is my new plan.  I groaned when it was time but dug out the roll of batting and pulled out some fabrics for backings and I started the process.  My goal was to quilt all the quilts I had made in July as well as at least one or two tops that were donated to Quilts of Valour.  The first one is a top made by Darlene and I added an outer border to make the quilt a little larger.  Done!

This was Plus #4 - rainbow scrap challenge from 2023 and is done!  This is the last of the quilts that I made from the plus blocks that I stitched monthly in the featured colour every month.  Done!  Block container is empty. 
A top was donated by Debbie last summer when I was mailing quilts to the Maritimes due to an urgent need for quilts for recipients of QOV.  I sent off two boxes of both tops and finished quilts and then the need wasn't quite as urgent so this top resided on a hanger.  It is now finished, labelled and ready for presentation to an injured Canadian Armed forces member.
A funny little quilt that started off from some blocks from a friend.  I had to figure out how to make more.  My attempt was ok but now I have it figured out that you need to start with 8 fat quarters and you will end up with eight 15" blocks - a crazy size but I now have 2 leftover for the next time I do this.  Super simple once you figure out how to do it properly.   Each block should contain 8 different fabrics but since I didn't do that, I have doubles of some fabrics in my blocks.  Lesson learned!
Another rainbow scrap challenge block quilt.  Each month blocks are made from the chosen colour and I use scrappy strips for these ones.  Fun and bright and doesn't make a tiny dint in my scraps.  I have been making these for about 10 years and every few years I dig out the container and start making quilt tops from them.  This was number 1. 
Number 2 is made from the same container but the blocks are set differently. 
In July, the Running Doe (Villa Rosa designer) sew along was to use the pattern Duffy.  I think this is the same as King's Crown by Jordan Fabrics but I cheated a bit and made the white blocks out of one fabric square even though the pattern called for four patches.  I wished I had switched the placement of the white/green flying geese so the green touched the dogwood fabric but, once I had made a few, I wasn't going to change my mind.  The dogwood fabric was 'found' when I worked on the Canadiana swap block quilt last month.  The fabric was tucked in with all the blocks which means it was 'free', right?
Another RSC strip block quilt top and is number 3 in this series of making blocks from them. Now waiting for the August quilting week.

Another 3 yard quilt called Crossroads that I cut up a variety of Canadian themed fabrics to go with the black and gray blocks.  Again, waiting for August quilting week.
Oopsie blocks (Bonnie Hunter leader and ender challenge) are made in both gray and aqua. Aqua was the August colour and I had the gray bin out because the Pattern by Jen block used that colour so decided to pull out strips and make more blocks.
My container is getting fairly full but since these will finish at 6", I will need at least 110 blocks for a 60 x 66" quilt.  If I have more blocks, there will be two quilt tops?  I don't plan ahead! 
Once my binding projects were all completed, I pulled out my container of fabrics set aside for making kid's pillowcases.  The quilter who used to collect pillowcases for kids going to 'burn' camp is no longer doing it but, I know that Ronald McDonald house as well as Canuck Place (hospice for kids) will be happy to have some and another quilting friend mentioned a third location perfect for donation so am going full steam ahead and cutting the pillowcase, the accent strip and the cuffs.  I pulled out some fabrics from my stash that were tone on tone and fairly bright to do some matching.
This was the pile before I had done any cutting and pressing of the parts. 
The end result of an entire Sunday of measuring, cutting and pressing was enough 'kits' to make 32 pillowcases.  There are leftover cuffs and accent strips and one day in the future, I will get out some plain fabrics and add the fun cuffs to go with and organize another pillowcase sewing spree.  But for now, I had very little fabric to back into the container and most of it will be perfect for making strippy quilts for kids.  Now I can sit and pin pillowcases while watching tv and stitch them up between other projects. 

Needing some purple fabric for cuffs of the above pillowcases meant I had to dig through what I had on the shelf.  And that digging created a mess... and if you know me, messy fabric isn't an option so I pulled out all the fabrics and organized them as best as I could so that red/purples, light purples, blue/purples are all together and all is folded perfectly.  My friend Nearissa will be surprised as how little purple fabric I have... it has always been my favorite colour and in the past, had so much.  It does show however, that I am making every effort possible to reduce fabric on hand. 

This quilt was also finished and was made from fabric purchased by my sister, pattern chosen by her, she did the layout of the blocks and I stitched and quilted it.  She loved it, thankfully!  It will be for a baby that will be first grandchild of the entire group of her close friends and all are going to be honorary aunties. 

I am participating in a sew along for Quilts of Valour with a Labrador quilt shop and every week she posts the block and how many to make along with an instructional video.  I am working on my maple leaves and then there are a huge number of poppy blocks to make (which I am dreading... boring!). 
One of my recent activities was to go for a sleepover at a sleep clinic and I was dreading it but, they were great and offered me a sleeping pill because the last time I did this, I never slept so there was no data collected.  My cardiologist is convinced I have sleep apnea and so this was the only way to determine for sure.  I had previously done an "at home" test but it was inconclusive so onto more detailed analysis of my sleep.  Yes, I have sleep apnea so now, another sleep over is going to be scheduled as that is apparently the most accurate way to get the C-pap machine set to optimal performance.  I am not looking forward to the equipment use but am curious about changes to my heart rhythm and possibly less waking throughout the night?  Time will tell.
Our garden is prolific.  My husband's health doesn't allow him to be very active in the garden but he is brilliant at planting seeds and nurturing them to full grown plants, getting them into the ground and watering daily.  Our cucumbers and zucchinis are the best ever although, apparently, it is the same for all the local gardeners.  The weather has been perfect for growing these.  Now, if the tomatoes would start to fatten up and turn red, eating time would be awesome with freshly picked produce. 

My goals for August

1. Stitch up 16 poppy blocks and start cutting sashing and assembling the Canadian sew along quilt

2. Rainbow scrap challenge blocks in blacks and browns. 

3. Running Doe quilt along Crossroads

4. Patterns by Jen block in purple

5. Marble mystery: I haven't chosen  my fabrics and this month is cutting fabric. 

6. Working on pillowcases 

7. Press rainbow scrap challenge top #4

8. Cut some 3yd quilts for Quilts of Valour (reduce how much Canadian themed fabric on hand)

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