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Monday, September 2, 2024

Back to school tomorrow but not for me!

 It is the first week of September and even though it has been 22 years since I retired, the first week of school brings back memories - the good and the bad.  I do not miss making lots of meals for the freezer because of the misery of being back at work along with all the meetings, meeting parents, then meeting my kid's teachers, sports for both my kids and my husband who coached and played and harvest time on the farm... a really hectic and crazy month and I don't miss having to get the kids up in the morning, hustling them along to be out the door on time (and did it for my grandsons as well) and then getting myself out the door so I could sit in traffic for an hour to get to work.  Yippee... memories, not my reality.

My reality is different this month.  My husband is having daily radiation on his face for a skin cancer that went too deep for the surgeon to get it all.  It is throwing my schedule out of wack but allowing me lots of reading and quilting time since my tennis schedule is affected by his treatments.  

So, first week means binding the quilts that were finished this past week and am ready for that. The heartstrings group chose panels as the August challenge and I used panel with added fabrics for the backing on a quilt.  I will do this again with some of the panels I have on hand.  A great way to utilize them.

I did finish 32 pillowcases, my goal for the month.  I worked on 3 at a time pinning, then stitching and then pressing and do the final serging of the edges plus stitching down the accent strips.  I used up a lot of fabric! 

Right now, at this very moment, my cutting tables, ironing board and design walls are empty!  Totally tidied and cleaned up... that feels good but strange and ready for me make a mess again. 

This is my stack of quilts with bindings made, ready to attach.  The labels are all attached to each quilt and am ready to go!  Seven quilts which will hopefully be done in 3 days?  I have tennis to watch and that will entertain me while I do the final task to finish these off.
Our cucumbers and zucchini are still producing like crazy but with this cool today, hot tomorrow weather, they seem to be thriving.  The small tomatoes are ripening faster than I can pick but the larger tomatoes are slowly turning red.  I predict bacon and tomato sandwiches for some upcoming meals.

A short posting but am working on my list for September and have a variety of projects that I want to work on. 

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