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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

We are actually in the 4th week of March... and it has been strange times in our lives.
On March 14th, we returned back to Canada amid warnings that we were to be self isolated for 14 days.  I didn't really believe that we needed to be that serious?
My husband had Moh's surgery scheduled for March 18th.  His skin cancer is growing rapidly but, we are rescheduled to the 30th... a wait of two more weeks.  He is hobbling on crutches after his softball incident and his knee is not improving.  Doctor's office called and he is rescheduled to Apr 1st because of the isolation time. That told me that doctors are taking the isolation seriously.  WOW!

I played tennis when I got home, all of us keeping our distance and no one was worried that I had arrived back from Arizona.  It was sunny and we were all so happy to have sunshine and some spring activity.  We have since stopped, sadly.  Physical distancing is become more and more emphasized.

Our Wednesday quilt group, Quilt Divas, is postponed until we get the all clear from the medical health officers... our health is more important than our sharing times.

Life has changed dramatically.  When we arrived home, my father had been hospitalized with pneumonia but I couldn't visit.  I did have a chat with him on my sister's phone and for that I am grateful.  We also learned that he had congestive heart disease and they removed liquid from his lungs.  The antibiotics were working.  Sadly, they told us that he would not be able to stay in the hospital because they were clearing beds and he would be moved to wherever they could find a bed and of course, no visiting because all nursing care homes on Vancouver Island are shut down to visitors.  But, dad took things into his own hands and left us last Wednesday.  He was 96 and was ready to go so he did.  We took comfort that there were 2 nurses with him and they both thought he was a great guy with a good sense of humour.  Another chapter in our lives has closed.

Before I left Mesa, I took a tote bag class with Sheila.  I didn't need another tote but, I wanted to take a class.  At that time, I thought it would be fun to fill a quiet week before our big tennis tournament and am glad I signed up.  I learnt two things about totes from Shiela: how to put a magnetic snap in easily and how to stabilize the bottom of any tote. The tote has lots of inside pockets and stands up, all by itself! so glad I took the class because our big tennis tournament was cancelled and at least I fun for a day with my quilting friends.

Some of my projects from the winter months will be on hold for awhile as I mailed "if it fits, it ships" boxes home to myself via our mailbox in Lynden, WA.  Sadly, the fellow who picks up the mail for us probably didn't get a chance to cross over before the border between the two countries was shut to all but essential traffic.  Isn't quilting essential?
So, my first week home was a waste of a week of time.  I was so anxious about Covid and if I had caught it on the plane and worried about our dad.  Finally, I was able to focus on what projects I have to work on and my white board got updated.  Wow... so many things I would like to finish (and some I would like to start).
I did decided to work on my teal, Rainbow scrap challenge blocks for March.  It took me 3 days!  But, am done.
First, my scrap strips.
Then my rail fence blocks.  However, when I pulled out Jan and Feb blocks, I realized my orange blocks were wrong so I did some frog stitching (rip it) and redid those as well as making teal blocks. And I got the blocks done for my chandelier pattern and included a picture of what the finished quilt is going to look like.

I am also making boxed squares.

I was looking a bit closer at the original picture I am working from and I see a big OOOOPS.  I think both half square triangles on the corners are supposed to be DARK and I did one light and one dark.  Darn it!  I forsee some more frog stitching in my future.  Sigh.

I did have a bright moment this week.  My best buddy came for  happy hour and we sat carefully distanced from each other, each with our own wine glass and had a good visit.  We traded some items that we both needed.  She brought me bananas, apples, (wine) and turkey dinner plus blocks and fabric from our Modern guild meeting last November where I won the blocks of the month.  I had made them in Oct before I left and she took them to contribute to the block lottery.  In return, she left with a can of spray baste and a container of liquid dish detergent.  Was a fun visit and the sun was shining.  One other little treat she brought me: a luggage tag.
And, one last picture of my granddaughter.  She lives in the Kootenays, in a small town, and she went hiking with her other grandmother this weekend.  Oh, to be young and so happy!!  This picture makes me smile and miss her!

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