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Monday, June 8, 2020

The week that was... a bit of a blur?

My father died on March 18th in Victoria and we were unable to go into his suite in the retirement residence where he lived, to retrieve any of his belongings.  We had a call telling us that all would be packed up by an employee, boxed and delivered to the garage of the building.  So good news that we would finally be able to deal with his life but not so good in that we couldn't sort and box up what he had.  We had to pick it all up, take it to my sister's, carry it all into the house,unpack, sort,  and repack and haul it back out to our vehicles for delivery to where we thought it might be able to go and be used.
WHEW!   I felt my age.
The good news is that the Mustard Seed was awesome and even though they weren't open for donations, when they found out we had all men's clothing, they welcomed us.  They were also thrilled with the donation of about 3 dozen cans of Ensure for their food bank.
 Habitat for Humanity Re-store was a bit of a disappointment and weren't interested in any of his furniture.  But, the good news is that we listed the pieces on Facebook marketplace and most of it sold the next morning.
We still have a fancy, deluxe commode and a hospital bed for sale.  Crossing fingers someone in need figures out where it is listed for sale and will get a great deal including delivery.
Boxes are sorted, organized and some waiting for places to open so we can donate.  I have boxes here to go through and sort for recycling and/or shredding.
The week that was! But, I came home and was exhausted and not motivated to do much.  UGH. But, time to get back to my garden, tennis and quilting projects.
I have been going through a few boxes of things from dad that I brought home and actually have a few things that are useful to me.
He was very active at Broadmead in a program for veterans where they made a variety of things.  I now have a clock in my downstairs space, made by dad.
And he painted a silk scarf that is now mine.
And I have a small painting he did... I knew he had woodworking talents, but no idea he could paint.
 My May list, as it ended up:
So... for May 2020
1. Quilt and bind the quilt for Nova Scotia
2. Quilt/bind QOVC #1 panel with log cabins
3. Quilt/bind QOVC # 2 panel with log cabins
4. Quilt/bind layer cake slice from Oct 2019
5. Quilt /bind RSC #1 from 2019 (counts as heartstrings triangles for May)
6. Finish making RSC #2 top 2019
7. Figure out if I can make a RSC #3 from leftover blocks 2019
8. Make some scrub bags for Abbotsford guild donation
9. Quilt and bind Sea Stars
10. Make a preemie with charm squares for ruler class practice
11. Finish cracker blocks
12. Income tax 2019
13. Make tinker tote
14. Dark green RSC  blocks for May
15. Block lottery from FVMQG - red/black 9 patches
16. stitch a new purse
17. Make second preemie quilt with leftover charms from #10  Quilt and bind
18. Make another Nova Scotia with my quilting buddy, I will do the dark heart  
19. Quilt and bind Nova Scotia #2  
Not too bad?  A few leftovers but also am happy with my finishes. 

I am busy working on my panel... the theme for my Heartstrings group and I am gradually doing the math and figuring out how to use the blocks I won at guild in November last year.
I have cracker blocks made to mail to Canada Stitches.
One of my May projects got finished.  The binding is done.  The quilt is for a wedding gift and the groom is a hockey fan so I chose backing from a company who created fabric in support of the Humboldt Bronco bus crash in 2018.  I had bought the fabric as a way to be supportive along with making a quilt.  However, surprise when the fabric arrived... it was knit.  I guess I knew that when I ordered but didn't pay much attention.  It is actually perfect for this quilt. 

I also managed to get my quilt for June quilted... it needs binding but closer to a finish.  This is my second Rainbow scrap challenge quilt made from 2019 blocks.  I am not sure about the border I added but it made it large enough to be a good donation quilt.
So many projects and 3 weeks left in the month to try and cross a few things off the list.

So, for June, here goes:

1. Quilt/bind cracker block quilt
2. Quilt/bind QOV  donated by a local quilt guild member
3. Quilt a Quilt of Valour made  by a friend
4. Quilt/bind a project I picked up from our modern guild parking lot gathering in May
5. Quilt /bind RSC #3 - I think it needs a border added to make it larger
 6.Make set of blocks picked up at FVMQG gathering
7. Make the second set of blocks picked up at the FVMQG gathering
8. Make some scrub bags for Abbotsford guild donation
9. Work on RSC blocks for June - pink
10. Make Saratoga quilt (a kit from Keepsake how many years ago?)
11. Pick up income tax and pay the accountant!
12. Work on some St. Louis 16 patch blocks
 13. Make tinker tote
14. Dark green RSC  blocks for May
15. Block lottery from FVMQG - red/black 9 patches
16. stitch a new purse
17. Finish postcard for modern guild challenge
18. Make an armchair caddy
19. Cocktail mug rug for Modern guild challenge
20. Bind RSC #2 

I know more will get added... but this is my list for the next 3 weeks. 
My big question is... will this peony ever bloom?  It was planted 3 years ago and we haven't had a flower appear until this year.  There were 5 potential buds but 3 of them got eaten or dried up?  One of these is partially eaten and one looks perfect!  Crossing my fingers.  It is like waiting for Christmas morning... the suspense is an exercise in patience.

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