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Saturday, January 2, 2021

A New Year means new starts and hopefully from WIP's or UFO's completed from previous years.

Here we are in another New Year and hoping it is a better one for most of us.  I did end the year listing everything that was positive about 2020 because I read that you should end the year with your glass half full, not half empty.  There were and are some positives for us but it does mean trying to look past what is unpleasant which for us, the big one is - the WEATHER here in the Pacific Northwest. 
We love our sunshine in Arizona and the biggest issue for us is trying to be positive with dark, dreary, rainy day after miserable, wet day.  Our goal is walk for an hour daily with tennis courts being too wet to play on but, seriously, some days it is really difficult to gear up in layers to stay dry.  Much easier to layer up in clothes to stay warm on a cold, sunny day.  But, we persevere and in the last month have only missed two days and one of those was because of a medical appointment. 
I have been reading - that means, when I read, not much else gets done.  And, am procrastinating on taking down the putting away the Christmas decorations although I love the feeling of the clean empty house after that happens. But reading instead of sewing - unheard of for me but, we have a this great little library box in the park where we walk and it is sponsored by Kiwanis.  It is a bit of a game with me now to go to the box to see if it is empty, the same as the previous day or, full.  The full days are great as we can root through to find books that appeal to us and if we get a dud, no big deal, take it back the next day and grab something else! 
But typically, our walk and courts look like this. 
I did get my December step of the Meadowland mystery completed.  Done and ready for Thursday when the next clue is released.


And two quilts got quilted and binding is ready to be stitched and added to the them.  Hopefully today, or tomorrow.  My CQA 52blocks is ready for binding and the November Charm challenge from Heartstrings is also waiting patiently for the last step.  This charm is made from Quilts of Valour fabrics from Northcott so that is where this will get donated. 

I have pulled out some purples for PBJ block of the month and January is purple or eggplant.  She gives you the pattern to use for the blocks and I am going to make 3 different 12"' blocks for January (because one seems like not enough?).

I pulled my Accuquilt go cutter out of hiding and dug it out of the box and set it up.  The Heartstrings group is working with tumblers and thought I could cut some.  A lesson learned because I am missing a part big enough to cover the template. I have ordered a larger one but this is on hold for now.  Of course, I don't have any rulers that are the same shape at what I started cutting.

The Rainbow scrap challenge for January is pink and I have pulled out my strings and fat quarters ready to figure out which blocks I am going to make this year.
This is one option for my 2021 blocks. 

I had a set of 10" squares that are cat themed and decided to cut them up, adding in about 12 more fabrics and am going to stitch up the blocks and make a cat quilt for my grandson and his girlfriend.  Am sure he doesn't read my blog so can make this and surprise them.  They are cat people and love their feline pets. 

I am a lurker on Stashbuster's group and they are working on something called Trailmix which I might consider doing and I have my 2020 RSC blocks all sitting and waiting for me to use them in some quilt tops.  

No shortage of projects but first, house has to be de-decorated and all containers put away nicely, neat and tidy and that will lead to some other tidying.  I also want to go through my kitchen cupboards and donate all and any dishes that we don't use since there are 2 of us for meal and not the full family to feed.  

Happy New Year to all and hopefully we can all get vaccinated in a timely manner, life will slowly resume so that our activities of the past will be easier to access and enjoy.  Virtual guild meetings are great and nice to not have to drive but still, the face to face chatting and socializing is something that I miss. 



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