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Monday, August 12, 2019

Such a crazy idea, making all those rail fence blocks!

Last year I had the idea (without a plan) of making rail fence blocks using 3.5" strips, mostly scrappy, for a second batch of Rainbow challenge scrap blocks.  It sounded like a great idea and every month I made a batch using the colour of the month.  And, I kept up with the challenge every month.
I ended up with a lot of rail fence blocks.This is only 'some' of them after I made a couple of quilt tops.
It was boring to stitch these blocks together but I persevered and made quilt tops that hopefully resemble a bit of a rainbow.  Except, I ran out of yellow blocks after the first two quilt tops were put together.
 These are the first two tops so you get the idea of what I was doing.

 And after these two were done, still loads more blocks in the pile but only one yellow block.  I was NOT going to make more blocks.  But, I did keep sewing along and ended up with one completely blue quilt (so many blue blocks but I used them all up) and in total, six tops measuring approximately 60 x 70 and one that is 40 x 50.  I still have a small stack of 27 blocks.  I have loads of ideas of what can be done with them but, for now, they might reside on a hanger, they might get offered to other quilters at guild and see if someone else wants to play.
So much tennis to watch on the weekend but that helped me to get lots of time at my sewing machine and I have one other top put together (made from a stack of fat quarters that I won at guild awhile back) and waiting for quilting plus, there is one on the design wall waiting for the blocks to be joined.

 And today, after playing tennis, getting sheets changed and a couple of loads of laundry and taking time to deal with 'office' type work for Quilts of Valour, I managed to cut and sew backings and cut batting for 6 quilt tops.  My goal was to get some tops ready for quilting by mid month and then after the 15th, try to get a few quilted.  I think I am 'on goal' though the quilt on the design wall wasn't on my list of things to do and totally sidetracked me.  But always fun to add in a new and different project that isn't a UFO although the charm squares were of unknown age.

I have totally cleaned up both my main sewing space and my underground bunker and I keep finding things to take to the free table at guild.  Less is more, I hope! But it is nice to find things I have forgotten I had and also not so nice to find duplicates or triplicates of things that are tucked away.  Now, if only I could find my red sewing apron??

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